Eyethu Beverages Token: DigiShares White-Label Partner Afri-X Tokenizes African Beverages
As the highlight of the past week; Afri-X.com announced the launch of Eyethu Beverages Token, issued on the DigiShares tokenization platform, as Afri-X’s first token outside of the Real Estate market.
“This is one of the first real tokenization projects we are aware of in Africa and we hope it will see a good level of interest. We particular like the element of democratization which is so important both in Africa and elsewhere in order to give equal opportunity access to investments into assets that are normally out of reach for retail investors”, commented Claus Skaaning, CEO at DigiShares.
MIT Real Estate Forum 2021
Join DigiShares and our VP of Business Development Bjørn Holta at the 2-day MIT Real Estate Forum 2021 by the MIT Center for Real Estate this July 13-14.
Participants can expect:
– Engaging discussions: Lively and informative discussions between industry thought leaders on topics impacting global real estate – today and into the future.
– A look into the future: Join industry leaders, distinguished MIT faculty and researchers, developers and investors, technologists and founders, in a wide-ranging and far-reaching conversation about the future of global real estate.
– MIT Innovation Showcase: A unique opportunity to learn about MIT’s latest, most exciting research on real estate innovation, technology, and the future of global real estate.
More information about MIT Real Estate Forum and how to register can be found here.
DigiShares Monthly Community Calls: Real Estate Tokenization in Practice
DigiShares is excited to announce our incoming webinar series: Real Estate Tokenization in Practice. This series will consist of initially 4 monthly webinars, namely: Value Proposition of Tokenized Real Estate, Real Estate Tokenization & DeFi Lending, Real Estate Tokenization & Decentralized Trading and Real Estate Tokenization & Banks starting from August 18, 2021.
The webinar is of interest for anyone interested in staying on the leading edge of real estate tokenization with one of the leading players, DigiShares. On every community call there will be a status update from our management, an expert presentation on a topic of current interest in relation to tokenization (DeFi, banking, stablecoins, etc.) and there will also be presentations from one or more of our clients and partners.
More information on the Webinar series, dates and registration can be found here.

PropTech Switzerland Innovation Index 2021
DigiShares is honored to have our white paper “Tokenization of Real Estate -Best Practices” mentioned on PropTech Switzerland Innovation Index 2021. The index is a detailed study of Swiss PropTech ecosystem. It is based on research and development project of PropTech Academy Association and PropTech Switzerland Association.
“Real estate is the biggest single asset class where tokenization can provide value – $228 trillion in total assets. The real estate market shares the value proposition of the overall securities market.”
Check out this white paper from DigiShares to see in detail how and why you should tokenize real estate, and the DigiShares approach for this. In this paper, we covered:
1. Real Estate Tokenization – Why?
2. The DigiShares Platform
3. Real Estate Tokenization Processes
PropTech Academy is a Switzerland-based regulatory institution for international standardization and evaluation of PropTech companies in the real estate, construction, and finance sectors. However, the standards relate to methods of testing, terminology and definitions, information requirements, or the compatibility of connections.
To learn more about PropTech Academy, click here.